• Infer that our sense organs make us aware of things around us.
    • Identify the sense organs and
their functions
    • Observe the characteristics of things around us using the different sense organs.
  • Describe the parts of the sense
Organs from models and explain how they work
    • Identify the main parts of each
Sense organs
    • Explain the functions of each parts

3.Practice desirable health habits that will help prevent/ control common ailments and keep the senses healthy

3.1Identify common ailments affecting the sense organs

3.2 Demonstrate ways of keeping the sense organs healthy.

4. Demonstrate first aid for nose bleeding, for foreign bodies in the eye, ear and nose.

5. Infer that changes take place as children grow.

5.1 Measures one’s height and weight.

5.2 Compare one’s height and weight now and that of the previous year.

5.3 Infer that one changes in physical capabilities and social interest

5.3.1 Identify physical/ social activities one participates in then and now

5.3.2 Compare one’s present physical and social activities with those of the previous years.

5.4 Cite evidences that show changes in one’s mental abilities

5.5 Compare changes in one’s ability to speak, write, read, draw, solve 6. Infer that some factors affect one’s growth and development.

6.1 Identify some factor’s affecting one’s growth and development such hereditary, food, rest, sleep, recreation, safe and healthful environment.

6.2 Observe that one grows and develops like one or both of his parents.

6.3 Discuss that eating a variety of nutritious food in the right amount is necessary for one’s growth and development.

6.3.1 Classify foods according to the 3 basic food groups

6.3.2 State that eating the right kind of food in the right amount is necessary for one’s growth and development.

6.3.3 Practice desirable health and food habits. 6.4 Explain how rest, sleep and recreation affect one’s growth and development.

6.5 Compare a harmful and an unhealthful surrounding

6.5.1 Identify things in surroundings that are good for the people’s health

6.5.2 Identify things in the surroundings which are harmful to people’s health and well- being

7. State that a healthy person grows taller, bigger, heavier, faster 8. Infer that certain illnesses/ diseases slow down one’s growth and development

8.1 Describe how illnesses/diseases slow down one’s growth and development.

9. Observe that small family can meet its basic needs better than a big family.


  • Describe the structure and function
of skeletal system.
    • Identify the bones that makeup the skeletal system.
    • Identify the bones that protect the internal organs.
    • Demonstrate how the skeletal system enables us to move
  • Describe the structure and function
of the muscular system.
    • Illustrate how muscles are connected to the bones.
    • Explain /Demonstrate how muscles cause body movement.
    • Cite simple body activities that show the coordinated functions of skeletal and muscular systems
  • Practice proper care of the skeletal
and muscular systems
    • Identify injuries and diseases that can harm the skeletal and muscular systems.
    • Demonstrate first aid treatment for sprains, cramps and simple fractures
    • Show concern and right attitude towards handicapped persons.
  • Describe the structure and function of the digestive system
    • Identify the digestive system and its major parts
    • Explain the function of each part
    • Trace the path of food in the digestive system and the changes the food undergoes
    • Explain why food has to be digested
  • Practice desirable health habits to keep the digestive system healthy
    • Name ways of preventing/controlling common ailments of the digestive system.
    • Demonstrate ways of keeping the digestive system healthy
  • Describe the structure and function
of the human reproductive system.
    • Identify the male/female reproductive system and their major parts.
    • Relate the structure of the male/female reproductive system to its functions in reproduction.
    • Explain the process of fertilization in humans.
  • Describe body changes of male/ female at puberty.
    • Explain certain physical changes during puberty.
    • Relate the menstrual cycle of the female to the ability to get pregnant or reproduce.
  • Practice hygiene in caring for the reproductive organs.
    • Identify health habits to keep the reproductive organs healthy.
    • State the importance of protecting ones sensitive parts/ reproductive organs.
  • Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system.
    • Identify the respiratory system and its major parts.
    • Explain the function of each part
    • Construct a model to demonstrate the mechanism of breathing
    • Trace the path of air what happens to it in different parts of the respiratory system.
  • Infer that some common ailments of the respiratory system are caused by pollution, smoking or inhaling fumes.
    • Name common ailments affecting the respiratory system.
    • Describe the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of these diseases.
  • Practice good health habits to keep the respiratory system healthy
    • Describe proper ways of caring for the respiratory system
    • Demonstrate ways of caring for persons affected by common ailments of the respiratory system
  • Describe the structure and function of the urinary system
    • Identify the urinary system and its major parts
    • Describe how urine is formed and eliminated from the body
    • Explain how other body waste are removed ( e.g. solid waste through the digestive system, gaseous waste through the respiratory system, some liquid waste through the skin)
    • Practices desirable health habits that help prevent/control common ailments affecting the urinary system.
  • Describe the structure and function of the circulatory system
    • Identify the major parts of the circulatory system.
    • Describe the function of each part
    • Explain the function of the circulatory system.
    • Illustrate/ Demonstrate the movement of the blood throughout the body.
  • Describe the common ailments affecting the circulatory system and their symptoms.
  • Practice desirable habits that help prevent/ control common ailments of the circulatory system.
    • Identify health habits to keep the heart, blood and blood vessels healthy.
    • Demonstrate ways of caring for the circulatory system
  • Describe how the nervous system works
    • Identify the nervous system and major parts.
    • Explain the function of each part.
    • Describe how the nervous system works.
    • Practice desirable habits that help prevent and control common ailments of the nervous system.
  • Describe a healthy person.
    • Discuss the physical, mental, emotional and social needs of a person.
    • Describe the effect of physical, mental and emotional state on one’s health
    • Describe the effect of relationship with family, friends and society on mental, emotional and physical well-being.
    • Practice ways of maintaining one’s health such as
  • preventing common ailments
  • identifying places or people to seek help from
  • demonstrating a positive attitude to stay healthy.
  • Identify the common animals in the locality
  • Observe different animals in the locality
2.1Identify the body parts of animals and their functions
    • Describe the relationship of body parts of animals as to movements, habitat, food getting
  • Compare common animals
3.1 Give one or more differences between two animals of the same kind
    • Give one or more similarities between two animals of same kind
    • Give one or more similarities between two animals of different kinds
    • Give one or more differences between two animals of different kinds
  • Classify animals according to the body covering, food eaten, presence or absence of certain body parts, movements, habitat
  • Infer that animals need food, air, water and shelter in order to grow.
5.1 Cite evidences that animals need air, food, water and shelter in order to grow.
    • Infer what may happen if animals will not get food, air , shelter and water
  • Practice care and concern for animals
6.1 Explain why animals need care
    • Demonstrate how to care for Animals
  • Tell how to be safe with animals
  • Practice first aid for insect and animals bites
II.ANIMALS 1. Infer how animals reproduce sexually
    • Identify animals hatched from eggs
    • Identify animals born as baby animals
    • Illustrate that some animals develop from a fertilized egg
  • Describe the different stages in the life cycle of some animals
  • Infer the beneficial/harmful effects of animals to people
    • Cite how some animals are useful to people in the community
    • Explain how animals may harm people
3.2.1 Identify some animals that are carriers of diseases, sources of infections, allergy and injury.
  • Practice safety measures while caring for animals
    • explain why we should observe safety measures while caring for animals
    • Describe some safety measures to observe while caring for animals
  • Infer that animals live in places where they can find food
1.1Explain why animals live in a particular habitat
    • Describe how animals get/eat their food using certain body parts
    • Infer the kind of food an animal eats from the appearance of its mouth parts
  • Classify animals according to the food they eat.
e.g. carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous
  • Infer how some animals adapt to a particular environment.
3.1 Describe how animals adapt to a particular environment for protection and survival e.g. by changing their color
  • Classify animals into major groups
4.1 Classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates
    • Classify vertebrates into
Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes
      • Identify characteristics of each group of vertebrates
    • Classify invertebrates into arthropods, coelenterates, annelids, crustaceans, echinoderms, insects, arachnids, mollusk
      • Identify characteristics of each group of invertebrates
  • Explain the importance of coral reefs
5.1 Describe coral reefs
    • Identify the importance of coral reefs
    • Discuss practices that causes destruction of coral reefs
    • Predict what will happen when coral reefs are destroyed
    • Identify ways of saving coral reefs
    • Participate in efforts to save coral reefs
II. ANIMALS,PLANTS and ENVIRONMENT( Interrelationship in the Ecosystem)
  • Operationally define an ecosystem
    • Identify living things and non- living things in a mini- ecosystem e.g. aquarium, fallen log, pond
    • Describe feeding interrelationships among the living organisms.
      • Construct food chains and food webs to illustrate feeding relationships
    • Construct the food nutrient cycle
    • Explain the importance of decomposers in making food nutrients available to plants.
  • Illustrate the interdependence of plants and animals for gasses through the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle.
    • Construct a diagram of the oxygen- carbon dioxide cycle.
    • Interpret the diagram of the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
  • Investigate interdependence between living and non- living components in bigger ecosystem
e.g. forest, lake, river
  • Infer that some activities of people disrupt the cycles of an ecosystem.
    • Identify some human activities that disrupt the cycle in an ecosystem
e.g. deforestation, intensive farming, fish culture, inefficient garbage disposal.
    • Explain the harmful effects of certain activities on a bigger or more complex ecosystem
e.g. pond system
    • Discuss activities to address the above problems ( e.g. adopt a river or lake)
  • Predict the effects of over population in a community
    • Infer that shortage of food, water, and space may occur due to a growing population
    • Infer that land, water and air may become limited and eventually polluted due to over population
    • Infer that overpopulation affects one’s health and that of the community
    • Infer that rapid population growth upsets the ecological balance
  • Describe strategies for coping with rapid increase in population
  • Demonstrate commitment and concern in preserving/ conserving the balance of life in the ecosystem.
    • Enumerate ways of controlling/ preventing harmful effects of human activities to the environment.
    • Participate in campaigns and activities for improving managing one’s environments  


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